I am so glad that this week is finally coming to a close! What a rough one it has been! My friend and co-worker Paula was assigned to give the TAKS test to a 5th grader this week, so instead of getting a sub for her they gave me her class, and all of our 26 little darlings were in my room!! Here is the problem with that...it was not one day or two, but THREE days and we have a student that needs a teacher or aids SOLE attention all day. He is one defiant little boy. I know your thinking so big deal your a teacher-handle it. YOU HAVE NO IDEA what I am talking about until you witness his behavior. He is a major distraction to the class, very defiant, does NOT listen, argumentative...I could go on and on. Do not think he is getting away with this behavior, but it is an exhausting task to deal with him! Let's just say this arrangement was not a good idea for this 8 months pregnant teacher (with no patience) who is MORE than ready for the last day of school.
But Friday is upon us and we made it through the week alive!
We have a SUPER busy weekend ahead: Saturday-Maternity pics, baby shower, Paisley's first birthday party (hoping we make it in time), and Regan's graduation party. Sunday-More maternity pics with Kasey Mathieu, church, and hopefully getting some sun!!
Followed by Jury duty on Monday-I am not in the least bit sad about this...for now anyway. Is it sad that I am looking forward to jury duty so that I can have a day off from school and my trouble maker??! However I do not want to be chosen, so that I can finish the end of the year tasks that await me!
8 1/2 more days left until summer!!
My little guy has been getting bigger right before my eyes for weeks now. It is so precious to feel his tiny body moving around inside of me. I am just about 30 weeks now and I am beginning to feel winded when I get in and out of bed. It is definitely getting more difficult to get comfortable and I have added another pillow to my nightly collection!
Our dog Ellie sleeps at the foot of our bed and has been getting up around 2 am for a late night run around the backyard and/or a snack for sometime now. Josh and I have been rotating nights to take care of our Ellie girl until..............NOW. I think Josh is going to have to pick up my shifts because I simply cannot do it anymore.
Last night was my night to let her out, so I do. It wasn't that simple of course, I had to roll out of bed and stumble through the living room. While she is outside strutting around the backyard, I head right back to bed. It could be minutes or hours before she decides she (Miss Priss) is ready to come back in. I should have known better because as soon as I get situated in my cozy bed, I hear her paws at the back door. So, I sigh VERY LOUDLY, hoping Josh will hear me, but of course he doesn't. Her crying doesn't phase him...I am the light sleeper that will be bothered all night if I don't let her back in. So here I go again back through the living room this time a little irritated. I bend down to open the door, wipe off her wet feet and just before I get her little body completely through the door, I slam it along with her tail! OH CRAP!! She yelped SO loud and I immediately began to cry. I think it was a combination of exhaustion and yes again- pregnancy hormones. I have not had a breakdown since the frozen pizza incident, just FYI :)
After the loud cry Josh came into the living room curious as to what was going on. (I am still sobbing) He tells me to go back to bed and he checks on Ellie and her tail. We all crawl back in bed and he holds me while I continue to weep! Thank you babe...but your on dog duty until Cooper gets here!!