Induction day! One of the last pictures with Cooper in my belly :)
A thumbs up from my hubby in between contractions, notice my hand in his was the best way to cope with the pain! Love you were so great! This was before we were whisked away for an emergency c-section. Seeing my baby boy for the first time wishing I could hold him in my arms... I love him and his daddy so much!
Daddy and Cooper...right after he was delivered! I love my boys!
Finally holding Cooper in my arms...oh how Josh loves us! We are so blessed!
June 29, 2010
Welcome to the world Cooper Jackson Gray
We have been so blessed with a brand new baby boy! He is absolutely perfect and he takes my breath away each time I look at him. I can't get over the fact that Josh and I made him...his eyes, feet, hands, skin...having a baby is a miracle and truly a gift from God!!
For the last 3-4 weeks of my pregnancy I had trouble with my blood pressure. It wasn't too high, but it was creeping up and Dr. Alexis was paying very close attention to it. She made the call to induce me on June 29th, unless I went into labor on my own. I was dilated to 3cm at 37 weeks, so it was possible that things would move along with no help, this did not turn out to be the case. I had to go to the hospital twice to be monitored and have blood/urine checked in the week before the 29th. My blood work/urine/blood pressure heart rate were all fine so I was told to stay on strict bed rest until June 29th.
Tuesday June 29th-Josh and I were up early and ready to have our baby!! We made our way to the hospital at 7:30 am and things progressed pretty rapidly from there. Dr. Alexis was quick to break my water and I was given a small doce of pitocin to jump start labor. I dilated from a 3 to a 5, then I requested my epidural...which only worked for a little while. The anesthesiologist had to return 2 times to give me MORE! I progressed to a 7 then a 9.5, and the labor was still SO painful! This should not be happening I had a catheter in my back for goodness sakes. Thank goodness I quickly dilated to a 10 and it was time to was around 4:30-4:45. As I began pushing my blood pressure went up and Cooper's heart rate went down. It was then that Dr. Alexis had the nurse call down to the OR to see if there was room available. Josh was freaking out...I was shockingly calm. I was immediately wheeled down and prepped for surgery. More medicine was administered into my epidural and it did not numb me he added more, then had to make one last attempt or else I would have to be put to sleep. I was so scared when I kept having to ask for more medicine...I wanted to be awake and I wanted Josh by my side to experience the birth of our son!! Thankfully the last attempt was successful and Josh was able to scrub in. The c-section was not a pleasant experience, I felt so much pressure the whole time and when it was time to pull Cooper out I thought I was going to die. He was wrapped up very tightly inside me and it was so difficult for them to get him out that the anesthesiologist had to help by pushing on my chest to help dislodge him. All of the pain quickly faded away when I heard our lil guy cry for the first time, I was instantly distracted and totally obsessed with him.
Josh was so wonderful! He was by my side cheering me on the entire day! He kept telling my how strong I was and that he adored me for being so amazing. I have such an incredible husband! We found a deeper love after experiencing such personal moments together.
The drama didn't stop there...after the c-section, my blood pressure continued to act up and I had to be put on magnesium sulfate. Oh man was that rough!!! It made me hot and very sleepy! It was such a yucky feeling, especially after just being cut open and stitched back up. The worst thing about the magnesium sulfate is that I had to be on it for 24 hours, I could not eat and I could not fully enjoy my new baby boy! Josh stepped in in a big way and changed all the diapers and even had to help me nurse Cooper.
Finally Wednesday night at 6pm I was free from that nasty drug and I was able to get out of bed, eat a Subway sandwich and LOVE on Cooper! I was a happy girl! A few hours later I was transferred to a postpartem room and discharged Thursday night!
A week has past and I am 100% in love with my new family! Being a mother is so special and I am so thankful that God blessed us with a handsome baby boy! I would do it all again Cooper are one perfect baby boy and your mom and dad LOVE you to the moon and back!!
Cooper Jackson Gray
June 29, 2010
8lbs 4oz