Our baby boy is four months old and he is becoming a smart little boy right before our eyes. At 4 months he weighs 15 pounds 10 ounces and is 26 inches long! That puts him in the 90th percentile for his height and 70th percentile for weight. We have a little giant on our hands! His weight is evenly distributed since he is so long and he still fits in some 0-3 months clothes. His pants are a different story, our gentle giant is wearing 3-6 or 6 month pants/jeans. Cooper, you are eating 4-5 oz. every 3-4 hours during the day, yes you are one hungry boy...that would explain your growth! At night you normally only wake up one time to eat, you love your sleep at night, and momma and daddy love that too! I am still nursing you when I get home, at night and on the weekends and during the day you get breast milk and Good Start Formula. You love them both!! Dr. B said we could begin to give you rice cereal, with a spoon! Only once a day for now and will build up as you get used to it. You are currently wearing size 2 diapers. You love to blow bubbles and "talk" to everyone. You are a squirmer and can move from one side of your crib to the other when you are on your tummy, I bet we have a crawler in the next month or two. When you are in your bouncy chair you jump up and down and squeal and babble! You are one active little guy! You are a paci baby and a thumb sucker and you absolutly LOVE your satin blanky that Aunt Amy got you. It is a MUST have at nap time, you rub it on your face to soothe yourself. Soooo sweet! You are able to sit up while holding on to our hands and would rather stand. You are so aware of your surroundings and you are even trying to hold your own bottle! We call you little Benjamin Button because you seem to be too smart for your age! You had your first major outing to the State Fair of Texas and you were a trooper, considering we were gone ALL day! We are proud parents as we watch you grow! We couldn't imagine life without you! I am sure I will have much more to say about your development in just another month!
My first birthday as a mom!
Last Saturday night we celebrated my 26th birthday by eating at Trail Dust in Arlington. I had such a great time with the family as I usually do, but being a mama this year has made my special day EVEN more special!! I got some really great birthday gifts...a new digital camera, it's a Nikon! I also got some clothes and a Cricut machine, which is SUPER awesome! But I would have to say the best gift of all is having my little Cooper man! My how things change. I spent the whole time at dinner staring at him, thanking God for making me a mama! I adore my baby boy and my husband more than life itself. On Tuesday-my actual birthday Natalie surprised me by bringing Cooper up to school to visit for lunch! It was awesome that I got to hold and love on him during my lunch break! I did not want him to leave! Here is a pic of mommy and Cooper at school!These are pictures from Trail Dust! My sweet baby boy all dressed up for mama's birthday! He was rockin his polo shirt and jeans!! Adorable!!