Well I guess technically you are not 8 months because we did not have a 29th day in February. But I know that that fact alone will not slow down your growth process. Darnit! You are the light of our lives and we are shocked at how smart you are!
At 8 months you are crawling EVERYWHERE! When we were encouraging you to crawl we did not realize you would learn so quickly. You began crawling around the second week of February and not only are you crawling you are also pulling up on things and standing in your crib. It all happened so fast! You are beginning to look like a little boy and less like a baby. You are still an excellent eater and that makes for a healthy growing boy! You are eating Goodstart formula every 4-6 hrs and you eat and love baby food. You are also eating small snack foods in very, very small bits. We have tried things like goldfish, cheerios and you love the Gerber Graduate yogurt melts and the apple cinnamon puffs. You weigh around 22 lbs right now and are wearing 6-9 and 6-12 month clothes. You are now able to clap your hands and can clap when we sing patty cake to you! So smart! Your favorite show is still Wheel of Fortune and it cracks us up when you turn your head to watch it! Maybe one day you can go on your favorite game show and win lots of money!
You reached the 22lb weight limit with the infant carrier and we upgraded you to a bigger boy carseat! You are a growing boy!
You are still adjusting to our new lifestyle, your dad and I are too. We moved out of our first home and are currently living in the pool house, in my mom and dad's backyard. We will be living in tight quarters until our new house is built! I was so sad that we had to leave the house that we brought you home to, but I know we will be in our new home very soon, it is looking like it will be sometime in July!!
You are a very happy little guy and attract many people with your sweet smile! On the flip side you still have a temper and I can only imagine what it will be like as you get older.
I am sure that you are teething again but you currently have 2 bottom teeth. We are just waiting for a couple more to break through the surface.
Your sleep habits have been inconsistent lately. I think there are a few reasons why...you are probably teething again, you can see us when you stand in your crib and you would much rather be with us, you are sick. You have officially broken your healthy spell and have come down with a double ear infection, yucky chest- head cold and have been running fever, sleeping constantly, and you have been uncomfortable and achy. We are taking good care of you and are working to get you back to your happy, healthy state! We are so lucky to have you as our son. We thank the good lord for you every day and count our blessings because you are special! We love you Cooper Jackson!