I have heard over and over...they grow up fast, so you better savor EVERY moment! I now understand the truth behind that statement! The last month has just flown by...I have a one month old baby boy and summer break is quickly coming to an end. Bummer :( On a happier note- we are so in love with our son and he is quite the addition to our family!
At one month old you are...in control of your head (and have been for weeks now), you are an infant with a temper, during these tempers you arch your back and scream at the top of your lungs, you do not like to sleep during the day...at all...which is strange for a newborn, you are sleeping 3-4 hours at a time each night and our nights are actually pretty easy (for now), you are a growing boy who LOVES to eat...you nurse from mama and sometimes get formula. You do not mind drinking out of a bottle as long as you are getting food...the Tommee Tippee bottles make it easy to go between bottle and breast! You are a champ at nursing :) You are wearing size 1 diapers and are still wearing newborn clothes and some 0-3 months too, you are l-o-n-g and skinny but I am sure that will change soon with your love of eating! You do not like to be cold and you love to be held and snuggled up tight, you have been smiling in your sleep since week 1, but you are now beginning to smile and coo at us! At 3 weeks you weighed 9 lbs 4 oz and were 21.5 inches long. You are one lucky little boy to be loved as much as you are! We are treasuring EVERY single day with you because you will grow up fast!
Here are some photos of you at one month old!

he's just precious bronwyn!! i know how hard it is to go back to work...i'll be praying for peace and comfort for y'all! love you
he's getting so big so fast! i just bought that onesie he's wearing in the third pic. so cute!
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