This has been a year of pirates! Cooper's nursery was (and will be again) decked out in everything pirate! I even decided to make his first birthday a pirate themed party! I have been loading up on a ridiculous amount of stuff for his very first birthday celebration! Don't judge, I know it is a bit much, but is SO fun and it is easy to get caught up in! Hey- he only turns one once!
My lil Pirate!
Here are the last pictures I took of the house. These were taken a week ago and since then the tile has been laid, cabinets have been stained and the walls have a coat of paint on them. Wow! Things are happening so fast and I CANNOT WAIT to move into this house! The update in these pictures is the wood work-the wood beams, trim, crown molding, closet shelves and our fabulous kitchen cabinets. The cabinets were done by Kirk, a very close family friend. They look awesome!
This picture does not do my closet justice. I had to include a picture because the shelves are SUPER exciting to me! I have plenty of room for handbags, belts, hats, etc!! There are 3 different levels to hang clothes, the top row is to switch out my seasonal clothes. It thrills me that I won't have to pack up the off season clothes in the attic, I can just pop them up on the highest rack!
Guess what?! We now have brick/stone on the house!! I am relieved that the brick sample we chose at the design center in March, looks great on the house! It was so scary to make that big of a decision just by looking at a pallet of brick colors. The name of the brick is Fall Creek and I think it is the perfect combo of colors! The brick and stone are a great match! Take a look...
A view of the brick without the glare of the sun!
Stay tuned for the update on the interior of the house!
10 Months
So I am a little late on posting Cooper's 10 month update.
Here is what my little sweetheart is doing now...
My sweet boys!
A walk through of our future home!
Our new home is coming right along! Josh and I have been closely following the progress and we are so happy with the way everything is going! Maverick Homes began building our house 30 days ago and it has POPPED UP right before our eyes! When they say they are going to do something it is either done on or before the scheduled date. We are so blessed to be working with such an incredible builder who is doing an excellent job on our home! Here is where we are at with the house as of today... The front of the house...if the weather cooperates it will be bricked this week!
View of the front door from the living room. There is a small hall closet on the left. Cooper's playroom is on the right, to the left is the hallway which leads to a bathroom, a study, Cooper's room and a spare bedroom.
This is a view of the living room and entry way from the dining room. The fire place is in the back left corner, the kitchen is on the right and directly to the left is the back door to the patio. This is the opposite view of the living room/dining room from the hallway.
This is the dining room and just to the left of this picture is the bar and kitchen. The door to the master bedroom is in between the kitchen and dining room. That is the back door on the right.
This is the kitchen area, Cooper's playroom is past the kitchen to the left and the laundry room and garage are straight back to the right. This is one side of the master bedroom!
This is the other view of the master bedroom!
Here are Cooper and Josh checking out Coop's room! Our lil guy loves his new room and cannot wait to play in it!