This has been a year of pirates! Cooper's nursery was (and will be again) decked out in everything pirate! I even decided to make his first birthday a pirate themed party! I have been loading up on a ridiculous amount of stuff for his very first birthday celebration! Don't judge, I know it is a bit much, but is SO fun and it is easy to get caught up in! Hey- he only turns one once!
I am putting a picture of Captain Cooper on his birthday invites and I just wanted one cute snapshot of him, that should be easy right?!!...NOT! I should have known that my wiggly, busy boy would not sit still for me to snag even one picture of him. I tried 3 different times on Sunday, in 3 different outfits! You should have seen me dancing around, singing and calling out his name to get his attention! It was quite a scene! Finally I got smart and asked for help! My mom and Josh helped me get his attention for 10 seconds so that I could snap a picture. Go figure that the cutest one I get he is wearing a pirate hat! How cliche! Oh well, if we are going to do everything pirate than how appropriate! Look at this sweet face! Ahoy Maties!

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