June 29, 2010
June 29, 2011 Sorry for the fuzzy picture, my mom is no photographer! ;)
Happy Birthday to you...Happy Birthday to you...Happy Birthday dear Cooper...Happy Birthday to YOU!
A year ago on June 29th you were born at 5:34 pm you weighed 8lbs. 4 oz. and were 22 in. long. Even though I don't remember a lot after your birth, I DO remember how I felt when they placed you in my arms. I was overwhelmed with love and your daddy and I just cried and smiled down at our precious gift from God! You are one special little boy and we have had so much fun this year watching you grow and develop!
At 12 months you are walking and talking-you just started saying mama, dada, nono, and a few other babbles. You know that you control your voice because you get LOUD! The talking began the day after we came back from Disney World. I guess you had been listening for so long that you just couldn't take it anymore! You are very busy and are in to everything that you shouldn't be! Typical behavior for your age!
You love cars and anything that you can steer or sit on. Each time we are in nana's play room you go right to the mini 4 wheeler and jump on. While we wait for the car to cool off on these hot summer days, I let you hold on to the steering wheel and you know just what to do! I am not sure how boys know how to like boy toys but you do!
You are still a very good eater! You take 2-3 6 oz. bottles a day and we are slowing trying to wean you off of the bottle. You do not drink anything but formula out of a bottle. You love water and applejuice and will drink it out of any sippy cup or out of a cup with a straw. You love lots of table food and you try new things all the time.
You are an okay sleeper. We usually put you down around 8:30 or 9:00 and you will snooze until about 3:00am, then you wake up and whine until we get you. You go back down most of the time without a bottle and sleep until 7-8 am. I think that this routine has become a habit due to our living arrangement. I hope you will sleep all through the night as soon as we get adjusted in our new home!
You are wearing size 3 diapers, but I think we will start you in 4's pretty soon! You are wearing 12 month clothes some 12-18 month stuff too. You are a big boy but your weight is still proportionate to your height. You are 32 in long and 24 lbs. 6 oz. Dr. B said you are at the very top of the charts for your height and are 70% for your weight. At this rate you will be taller than me in just a few years! You are one healthy lil boy!
I must add that you are the most smiley, flirty, social baby that I know! Every where we go it is your goal to get someones attention and bring them over to talk to you! It cracks me up how you are already so social without being able to talk. You got those skills from you daddy! You do not get extremely fussy unless you are tired! I am so glad that you are a happy go lucky kind of guy!
Cooper Jackson Gray is one today!
- Wednesday, June 29, 2011
It has been one amazing year with you in our lives! Your daddy and I love you more than you will ever understand! Thank you for making us your parents! You are truly a gift from God baby boy! Happy 1st Birthday son!
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Happy Birthday to your sweet cutie!
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