The Gray family is now residing in a new location! We packed up and moved out of our love shack (aka box in mom and dad's back yard) a week ago.
We successfully moved everything into our new home last Saturday thanks to the help of great friends! I do mean GREAT, because it was HOT HOT HOT! Summer heat in Texas is NO joke! While we sweated our booties off Cooper was in the comfort of an air conditioned home with our friends Molly & Cyrus and their sweet lil guy Beckham. B & C played all day and gave us a chance to nail down the fort here...I am so thankful to them for keeping Coop all day! Love my friends!
Saturday afternoon we put boxes into the correct rooms and by that evening we slowly began to unload. Sunday we continued to unload boxes and made a trip to the fabulous Benbrook WalMart to buy groceries and what not. I am so not a fan of Wally World I am more of a Target girl, but this location was clean, organized and not loaded with "People of WalMart" thank goodness :) By Sunday night our new place felt a little more like home. It was so nice to put Cooper down in his own room, kick back and watch tv in my bed in my own room. It's the little things!
This week Cooper and I have been waiting patiently on repairs to be made! Little things like window adjustments, tweaking of ceiling fans, paint touch ups, etc. This weekend we plan on hanging pictures and making our new place feel even more like home. Here are some pictures of our new home minus the pictures and wall decor.
I have not shown our Cooper's room, our bathroom, or the two guest rooms because well they are not ready to be shown! Stay tuned more pics to come!
I love it!!!! Looking great. Can't wait to see the rest. Cute shower curtain!
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