For Sale By Owner

Yes...Crazy I know! We have lived in our home for just over two years now and we love it! So why are we selling you ask? I do not know... ask my husband!! LOL I am serious. He has just recently decided that our home is too small for us, especially upon the arrival of Baby Gray. I am perfectly happy in my home in our very wonderful neighborhood, but I am not going to argue...a new home would be nice! We knew this would be a great starter home and I guess Josh is already ready for bigger and better things. A few weeks ago he and I discussed buying a new house and we drove around looking at subdivisions. I did not think we were serious as of now! Last week to my surprise, he decided to make it official by putting our house on Craigslist. We have already had someone inquire about our house and wants to see pictures!! He has also purchased a For Sale By Owner sign to place in our yard.

I can see it now...our house sells and we will be living in the pool house at my mom and dad's. Not to mention I will be very pregnant living out of boxes.

I don't think it will happen that fast, but I have to say it scares me a little just thinking about it.

Wish us luck,



A Real Housewife said...

Good luck! Are you going to stay in the area?

The Martin Family said...

aaahh your selling how nerve wracking! hope the process is smooth sailing and you find the house of your dreams! can't wait to see where yall pick !

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