My my how so much can change in a year! I was looking through my picture library and this picture of me is one of the first pics that pops up. I stare at it when I load new pictures and I cannot get over the fact that this time last year I looked like this...I was around 30 weeks pregnant! Wow! Now I have a precious blue eyed baby boy who is about to turn ONE! My friend and coworker Hannah said... "Why is it that when I want time to stand still, it doesn't and when I want it to hurry, it doesn't do that either?!"
When I was pregnant I wanted time to speed up so that we could meet our baby boy! Now that he is here and growing right before our eyes I want it to stand still because our special little moments are escaping too quickly!
I totally do not miss peeing 89 times in the middle of the night or the awful way I felt when I smelled creamy foods at dinner time for 14 weeks. BUT, I do miss; being pregnant, the tiny flutters of my first child bouncing around my tummy, getting excited about doctor appointments to get an update, the connection I felt being with child, the kind words from family and friends telling me how cute I looked pregnant. I do not like being in the spot light but I will never forget how many compliments I received while I was pregnant! It was such a wonderful feeling! I am not writing this because I have baby fever... I do want another baby, however now is not the time! I would like Cooper to be around 3 or so before we have baby #2. I just couldn't help but to reminisce when I saw this picture.
On a side note...I also miss my blonde hair! I go back and forth on hair color because my hair is really very dark! I wouldn't be surprised if I go back blonde even though my roots show in 4 weeks...ugh! Never ending battle I guess!
Hey! I got quoted! I definitely understand...
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