My sweet little boy in his Woody pajamas, a few days away from going to see Toy Story 3 on Ice! My Aunt Jackie said he looks more like Big Tex in this picture and I think she's right :) Whichever it is Coop says... "Howdy"!
Back in January my mom purchased tickets for her, Amorey, Hadley, Cooper and I to go see Toy Story 3 on Ice at the AAC. She randomly got an email with the info to buy tickets and she jumped on the offer! We sat on row F on the ice level! We had awesome seats, if we hadn't there would have been NO way that we could have stayed until the end like we did. The boys did not have seats of there own of course and had to sit still HA!, I mean sit in our laps. We were so close that they both could actually see all the characters and the bright colors of their costumes. We all really enjoyed the performance and the boys were very good!
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