Happy half birthday!

Days turn into weeks then months and now 6 months have passed since the birth of our first born. Cooper Jackson Gray is celebrating his half birthday today. Not that we did anything special, but I sure was glad that I am off on Christmas break so that I could share quality time with him! Josh has been off of work the past two days with an ear ache :(, but we have gotten some very valuable family time.

CJG, at your half a year milestone you are: Sitting up all by yourself! You get a little wobbly, but I would say you are able to do it with little to no help. You are SO close to crawling! You are up on your hands and knees and rocking back and forth. You know the motions you just haven't quite got the hang of it just yet. It won't be long before we will be chasing you all over the house.

You are still a great eater which means you are one healthy little boy.
You are eating 5-6 oz. of Good Start formula every 4-5 hrs. (+ or -). You are a pro at holding your bottle on your own. You are now eating several 1st foods (1-2 times a day)-green beans, carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, bananas, pears. You like them all however it takes you a few bites to get acquainted with the flavor. You even mock your mama and say mmmmmm! So sweet. I try to get you to say mama since you already have the mmm sound down...lol.

We put you down to bed around 9pm, you wake up to take a bottle around 3am, then you will awake around 7:30 or 8. You have always been a pretty good sleeper at night! For this I am thankful!

You are a jumper in your bouncy chair, sometimes I swear the chair is going to detach itself from the base and you will fly to the ceiling. This is no joke, anyone who has seen you bounce is amazed at your jumping ability!!

You are wearing size 3 diapers and are beginning to sleep in your own bed. Some people may disagree with this but I wanted to make the transition when I was ready. Trust me I do not want to sleep with a kid in my bed forever! The first several months you liked being next to someone and laying you down by yourself was simply not an option, especially if your dad and I wanted any sleep. You are getting used to your crib and you are sleeping quite well in it.

You are such a smiler! You just grin from ear to ear and it melts my heart! You have been rolling all over the place for a month or two but your new thing now is trying to sit up from lying down. You could be getting your diaper changed or just laying on the floor, but you lift up your head and tighten your ab muscles and try as hard as you can to pull yourself up. You are almost there, you are one strong dude.

Each day is more fun than the day before. I love watching you make new discoveries. I am going to try and slow down life for the next six months. Yeah, good luck I know! I will have a 1 year old!



i agree with the movin em to own bed when ur ready i mean people disagree with me too my youngest will be 2 in april and just 3 weeks ago got him outta my bed course i do still wake up to a kid at 6 am crawlin into my bed but i dnt have the heart to say no go back to urs lol but he does finally go to bed in his own bed without the tantrums so i figure ill choose my battles i think becaus he is my last and i know that i am a lil more leanient on the seperation factor i remember my oldest (now 6) only slept in my bed till 3 months and my middle child(now 4) never slept in my bed i was on the co sleepin is bad idea well i discovered the co sleepin is a good thing u get more rest because a child sleeps better beside mommy than alone sorry my comment was so long

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