The funny things kids say...

One day last week my kids were getting packed up to go home and of course they were talking amongst themselves. Talking is their absolute favorite thing to do, as I know this is true for most children. There was a conversation that caught my attention between two kiddos and I had to tune in for the rest of it. Here is what they said..."McKenzi said yes, your mexican." And Jose fired back with "No, I'm not I live in Joshua". I burst out in laughter, the whole class looked at me wondering what I was so cracked up about. It was a great way to end the day.

Yesterday Paula and I took a team of 2nd and 3rd graders to participate in Joshua ISD's third annual Battle of the Books competetion. The primary level (2nd and 3rd graders) were the first to compete, so the rest of the day was spent attempting to keep our kids quiet. While I was working on a Sudoku puzzle and listening to the quiet conversation around me I heard a group of girls talking. They were discussing how old their parents were and one of the little girls said to another "I thought your mom was younger than that" The girl said "No, she just wears a lot of make-up". HAHAHAHAHA!! I laughed to myself, but she was dead serious.


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