Just like millions of other people I have been glued to the tv (ALL DAY long) for the last 6 weeks watching the Casey Anthony trial. It is a good thing that Cooper is too young to understand because I could not resist keeping up with every second of testimony. The trial has consumed me and like many others I felt like I was a member of the jury. I listened to witness after witness trying to keep an open mind about Casey Anthony. It was VERY hard to keep this point of view because of the lies she told. Anyone who kept up with this story knows that she created an entire web of lies! It makes me sick knowing that she could continue life for 31 days knowing her daughter was missing or worse, dead! If Caylee meant everything to her,which she should have, Casey should have stopped everything and alerted someone in order to find her baby girl! But she didn't and to me that showed guilt! Why do liars lie...to cover up or to hide the truth! I was irritated each day of the trial because of the lack of expression/emotion from Casey. She was listening to testimony involving her dead daughter and her face was stone cold, I would have been in shackles if that were me!! I was also disgusted with the way she sold out everyone in her family in order to save herself. All this being said my opinion is that Caylee died and Casey knows exactly what happened. Casey's "grieving" behavior was bizarre and to me and it doesn't make sense! If she was a good mom than she would have done EVERYTHING in her power to protect her little girl!! I would love to know what caused her to react the way she did...but I am sure that will remain a mystery!
Caught up in the drama
- Thursday, July 7, 2011
As the verdict was being read July 5 at 1:15 pm I was sick at my stomach! When I heard the clerk read not guilty, not guilty, not guilty to the major charges I was stunned to say the least! I with everyone else in America was expecting her to be found guilty!
At first I was very angry with the verdict! Are you kidding?!! If she didn't kill Caylee who did? I just know that it had to be Casey! All the evidence pointed to her! Now as I look back at all the facts the prosecution wasn't able to indefinitely tell when, where, why and how. I didn't want to believe it myself, but it's true! 1st degree murder is a HUGE charge and I understand that the juror's wouldn't want to convict an innocent person. If they did not have proof that she murdered Caylee they simply had to follow the rules of the law and aquitt her. The prosecution did a great job, however they were not able to prove that it was indeed a homicide and or that Casey had anything to do with it. I wish that she would have been charged with neglegence, child endangerment, purgery or something that could have been proven!!
I am glad that we can all have our own opinions as to what happened but I believe some people are taking their anger too far! I wish the passionate public would step back and give the Anthony family their privacy...death threats, really? How awful! We need to pray for peace and comfort! I also think it is funny that many are jumping on the bandwagon after not knowing all the facts. You cannot assume she killed her daughter just because she made bad/odd decisions. She could have, but the facts were never there to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. We were not the jurors in this case and we do not have to like the outcome or agree with it, but it is not going to change! We were not in that courtroom each and every day and we have to respect their decision because it was based on the law!
It is hard not to judge, however the only one to judge us is GOD! Casey Anthony will answer to him one day and I will leave it at that no matter what I believe.
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